(October 2023 - April 2024)
Fullstack Developer - Internship
Need Visuals.
constcoder={name:'Baker Haider',skills:['React', 'NextJS', 'Angular', 'PHP', 'Express', 'Laravel', 'MySql', 'MongoDB', 'NodeJS', 'Docker', 'Tailwind'],hardWorker:true,quickLearner:true,problemSolver:true,hireable:function() {return(this.hardWorker&&this.problemSolver&&this.skills.length>=5);};};
Who I am?
My name is Baker Haider. I am a newly graduate and enthusiastic programmer in my daily life. I am a quick learner with a self-learning attitude. I love to learn and explore new technologies and am passionate about problem-solving. I love almost all the stacks of web application development and love to make the web more open to the world. My core skill is based on TypeScript and I love to do most of the things using TypeScript. I am available for any kind of job opportunity that suits my skills and interests.
(October 2023 - April 2024)
Fullstack Developer - Internship
Need Visuals.
E-commerce platform
constproject={name:'E-commerce platform',tools: ['NextJs', 'MongoDB', ' SwellJs (CMS) API', 'Tailwind', 'NextUI', 'TanstackQuery ', 'UploadThing],myRole:Fullstack Developer,Description: I mostly got to work in Frontend where I made components that are used throughout the app such as the Navbar and many full pages such as: the 'Cart' page where you can see the products you have in your cart with price, name, etc. I made the 'Sign in' page where customers can log in, 'Forgot-password' and 'Reset-password' pages where you can reset passwords. In addition, I have made the 'Products' page where you can see products that are based on which company the logged in account is linked to, I made the 'Product/…' page where you can see the product's specifications, description and width, height. Last but not least, I made the 'order-confirmation' page where you can see an overview of your order and here the customer has to upload a file or image to be printed on the products you have ordered. In Backend I have made 2 pages; one where you can see all orders and the other shows specific order data that you access from the page before, here you also access the files and images that the customer uploads, all this data comes from the Backend API.,};
LinkHub – Personal project
constproject={name:'LinkHub – Personal project',tools: ['NextJS', 'Tailwind CSS', 'Clerk', 'Mongodb', 'TypeScript', 'Shadcn],myRole:Full Stack Developer,Description: A full stack web application that I have developed in my spare time. In this app, you can easily create an account using several different ways to log in with OAuth or create an account. The main point of the app is that you can easily share your social profiles/accounts. Linkhub.blog,};
HariMDB – Personal project
constproject={name:'HariMDB – Personal project',tools: ['NextJS', 'Tailwind', 'NextUI', 'Themoviedb (API)', 'TypeScript],myRole:Full Stack Developer,Description: A frontend web application that I have developed in my spare time.HariMDB is an online database of information related to movies, television series, podcasts, home videos, video games, and online streaming content including cast, production crew, and personal biographies, plot summaries, trivia, ratings, and fan and critical reviews. harimdb.com,};
2022 - 2024
Higher Vocational Education Diploma
Chas Academy